Saturday, March 26, 2011

50 Chicken Nuggets and Movie about a Lizard

So today I would like to review two things for you. The First, as this is a food blog primarily, being the McDonalds 50 piece chicken McNugget. The second being the new movie from Nickelodeon, that’s right I said Nickelodeon, Rango. So a few Saturdays ago we decided to go see Rango and of course in our traditional style we brought in our own food. This is where the McNuggets come into play.

                So the biggest problem with the transportation of 50 chicken nuggets is that they take up a lot of space. When they give them to you they come in five 10 piece boxes, which don’t really fit any more so you have to move all five in. Normally this would be less of a problem, but my esteemed college the scamper and I were ill prepared for the task. So what we did is put one box in each of the inside pockets of his jacket, one in the kangaroo pocket of my hoodie and two more in my sleeves. My hands were them placed in my pocket to reduce the appearance of having something that large up my sleeves and the money for my ticket was just given to the scamper to further avoid being found out. Transportation aside the nuggets were fantastic, really a great movie food (who would have thought?) , and really were a great price (about 10 dollars). Of course we all know that eating McDonalds is not the healthiest choice but hey! It is cheap.

                As for the movie, I know it has been out for a few weeks now but if you have not seen it. GO SEE IT! The movie is fantastic. I don’t want to say too much about it so as to avoid having to give out a spoiler alert, but the film was really very good. The Wit was on point and I personally found the hero to be relatable, at least as relatable as a cartoon lizard can be, in his search for connections and self-fulfillment. Don’t get the wrong idea though this is no sappy drama. It is an adventure/comedy I would have to say. I just cannot seem to give it justice right now but I assure you it is excellent. Don’t let the fact that it is meant to be a kid’s movie put you off of going to see it. This movie is really worth the time and money.