Don't buy it.
If you want to see it you can rent it or borrow it from someone who foolishly paid the money to actually buy a copy. I am sure some people like it enough to want to own their own copies, but it was not for me.
Much of what I have to say got put in my notes on the film so this will be a bit short and to the point.
I think that the story would have made a lot more sense had I seen the original "Tron" back in the 1980's but I cannot be sure because I have not seen it. The whole story line was kind of flimsy to me, it felt like they were just making it up as they went along. I was not able to pay attention for too long when watching it, though I do tend to have a short attention span when watching movies, so unless I am in a theater where there are no distractions it has to be a really good film to keep me paying attention at home. I did manage to make it through due to my note taking however. I digress.
The biggest problem I have is the ending. Flynn had no need to kill himself, that was just stupid though who blames him, for suicide, he had been stuck in a computer for 20 years. Next what is it exactly that made the ISO life forms so special, and why were they a threat to the perfection CLU sought to make? What good is that last one going to do in the real world. I would like a storyline that does not suck please.
I find that I cannot really comment on the cinematography itself much, that is not my area of expertise, though nothing is really, I do like a good story, all I have to say about the cameras is that it is what you would expect from this kind of movie nothing too fantastic.
This one was really just a bust for me.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Notes on Tron Legacy
I just finished watching Tron: Legacy and here are my notes that I just wrote during the film. more to come when I have more time to mull it over a bit more
Notes on Tron Legacy:
So far the plot is flimsy and slow to develop 30 minute into it and I still do not have any real idea what this movie is about. I think that at this point it would make a lot more sense with an adequate backstory, for the record I was not alive in 1982 to catch the original Tron movie. Having reached the point of the light cycle battle I find I have some questions. First, what the heck is going on? And where can I get me some of the light tech? The bikes are pretty sweet but that dune buggy thing that comes out of nowhere I could really go for too. Moving on I think that it transitions too quickly from the arena of the grid to Sam meeting his father again, the scene is kind of strange.
Ok I am having some trouble reconciling the actions of CLU in taking over from Flynn. If Flynn created CLU and the grid how then is CLU able to act against him? Yes he was created to create the perfect world but the world that he was to make perfect would be one based on Flynn’s concept of perfect by logic that Flynn created him. Also the ISO life forms being eradicated by CLU does not make a lot of sense to me. If they were the gateway to basically everything as Flynn said then how is it that they were destroyed so easily.
Alright now the girl is making it sound as if there was a battle or war fought for the fate of the ISOs , which I guess is not very important as far as the story goes but I hate it when movies do things like this.
Since this is a Disney movie when it is all said and done I am sure it will come out fine but I do agree with Flynn, to not play the game is the best choice.
Zeus is an interesting character, though I kind of saw it coming when he was posing as his own gatekeeper and then betrayed Sam. In the service of CLU
I must admit it was rather epic when Flynn walks in to the club and just shuts everything down in that kneeling pose he had going on. It gave the feeling that as the creator of the grid he could do whatever the heck he wanted, but of course we know that he is pretty much powerless in this world.
I guess Zeus got his just desserts in getting bombed by CLU.
It took a long time but this movie quickly got better.
Ok so the whole thing where Flynn reprograms the guard then bonks him on the head to make him work was hilarious. Though somewhat inconsistent with the seemingly non-mechanical, highly computerized technology we find in the grid it was funny.
Dogfight in light planes that have light turrets? Yes, a thousand times yes. It was really good to see Tron turn back to fighting for the side of the users.
Why is CLU so intent on still killing Flynn?
It is feeling like the whole Flynn staying behind thing was very forced, I can’t see a reason for him to not go back with Sam other than he simply does not want to, possibly that he wants to take out CLU but then why does he have to sacrifice himself to do it. It seems like the two of them integrated themselves into one there at the end but that makes no sense because CLU is a program created by Flynn. I think a pointless sacrifice was just made.
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